Regional and National impact


Gretna is the main international gateway to Scotland, situated at Scotland’s southernmost entry point. For centuries this was a lawless part of the world, the Debatable Lands, where warlike families on either side of the border raided their neighbours’ cattle and burnt down their castles.

Economic impact


Construction: £2m one off injection into Scottish economy. Equivalent to 17 (one year jobs). Up to 50% procured from region.

Operation: £302,000 p.a net economic gain for D&G (equivalent to 5.24 continuous jobs)

Media impact: £6-10m worth of international coverage in first six months of operation

Contribution to wider tourism impact: £4m net economic impact (equivalent to 70 continuous jobs in D&G.

Infrastructure Development and Place is recognised in the Government’s Economic Strategy as central to harnessing the strength and quality of Scotland’s cities, towns and rural areas. The wellspring of ideas behind the Star provides a working example of this asset based approach, building on regional strengths and community led to develop a sustainable future and a sense of place.

A Gateway to Scotland


The ‘First Impressions’ report published by the Scottish Executive suggests “The border should be physically marked, and existing low key welcome to Scotland signs should be upgraded to make them bolder and more noticeable. A new physical gateway or large-scale public art should be used to symbolise arrival in Scotland.” Scotland’s Visitor Strategy aims to be Europe’s most sustainable tourist destination whilst increasing visitor numbers by 50% by 2015. This is a strategic fit with both the Dumfries and Galloway visitor offer and the place of the Star as a beacon for tourism, the country, and celebration of the natural environment.

“A border offers identity but one that is enriched by neighbours, so that it’s not so much a line of separation as a local set of interconnected values.”
Cecil Balmond

The Star of Caledonia supports an image of a dynamic, innovative, outward-looking region that is capable of attracting and offering both investment and talent. More than five million vehicles travel north and south each year, yielding a potential audience of ten million people who experience the England-Scotland Border Crossing.

The Star of Caledonia is an important flagship project for the Gretna area and has the potential to be a powerful catalyst for the development of Gretna-Lockerbie-Annan as a national gateway to Scotland.

The presence of a world-class statement Scottish Landmark will signal a meaningful exploration of identity and borders, and will promote Scotland as a vibrant and creative country rich in ideas, cultural heritage and natural resources.


“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

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