It is with huge sadness that the Directors of the Gretna Landmark Trust have learnt of the death of Alasdair Houston, our Chairman, on 21st June 2021 in the Alexandra Unit, Dumfries following a long illness with cancer.

His sister Susan Houston, will now lead the Trust to realise Alasdair’s long-standing vision - Star of Caledonia.

Please see this article in Scottish Field which pays tribute to Alasdair’s full and varied life.


“The Star of Caledonia is a project of international importance that will be invaluable in promoting regeneration and recovery in the wake of the pandemic by shining a light on Dumfries and Galloway.

As an opportunity for a country to herald its border, this is remarkable. The Star is a timeless work, which for 365 days a year, will be a bold and confident statement of Scotland’s innovation and energy.”

— Alasdair Houston | Gretna Landmark Trust founding Chair


“The Star of Caledonia will be a welcome; its kinetic form and light paths a constant trace of Scotland’s power of invention. A border offers identity; one that is enriched by neighbours, so that it’s not so much a line of separation as a local set of interconnected values.”

— Cecil Balmond, artist


“ I think what I like about it is that it is very forward looking – it’s quite futuristic. It isn’t looking back, it isn’t about the past… it’s not just a huge welcome to Scotland sign or a saltire – it’s quite revolutionary”

Ian Rankin, novelist